The top benefits of float therapy
Explore the positive effects floating can have on your life

Float Therapy has many benefits from body to mind
Float therapy has so many benefits, it may seem too good to be true. But the real life benefits are being explored by tens of thousands of people each day due to the explosion in popularity. The truth is that there is close to sixty years of scientific research behind floating, yes sixty years and we are only beginning to scratch the surface of all the benefits as it’s popularity grows.
See all the benefits floating has to offer ↓

Relaxation Response
The environments we're exposed to on a daily basis are filled with things that can easily trigger a fight or flight…Read the rest › -
Anti-Gravity Benefits
Easing the pressure off your joints, muscles and bones is as simple as laying back in your float pod and allowing the…Read the rest › -
Chronic Stress Relief (anxiety)
Chronic stress and anxiety is something everybody has to deal with at some point in their lives. Our bodies are…Read the rest › -
When you float in a sensory deprivation tank, your body experiences a relaxation response which induces a flood of…Read the rest › -
Heightened Senses
Settling into a float pod for a floating session, your body will begin to relax to a degree that is nearly impossible to…Read the rest › -
Faster Healing & Muscle Recovery
Athletes, people dedicated to living a fitter life, those looking to maximize the results of their workout regimen,…Read the rest › -
Increase Immune Function
Our immune system is our greatest defence against infection and illness as it protects us from bacteria, viruses and…Read the rest › -
If you suffer from poor sleep, the immediate benefits to your body and mind brought on by a session in a float tank can help…Read the rest › -
Are you an introvert feeling like you need a break from constant external stimulation? Or are you an extroverted…Read the rest › -
(Hyper Cognition/Learning) Also called, super learning. Rest for the mind can be as important for learning as any…Read the rest › -
Sometimes it can feel impossible to get the time or mental space we need to step away from our everyday lives, shift…Read the rest › -
As your body and mind begin to relax more deeply with every moment during a floating session, you'll notice two things…Read the rest › -
If you sometimes find yourself struggling to get enough solitary time reserved only for thinking through whatever's…Read the rest › -
Increased Left/Right Brain Communication
Brain Synchronization Finding a way to stimulate both the right hemisphere and the left hemisphere of your brain…Read the rest › -
Magnesium Absorption
Magnesium absorption is crucial for a healthy body because most adults don't have enough of it in their systems which…Read the rest › -
Meditation... it can take some people years of practice before they're able to achieve a deep and satisfying…Read the rest › -
Pain Management
Pain management is something millions of people worldwide deal with on a daily basis. Float pods are optimally…Read the rest › -
Musculoskeletal Awareness
Cutting out all sights and sounds from your environment is just the beginning of your rejuvenating experience in a…Read the rest › -
Whether you're looking to start fresh after years of doing damage to your body with negative habits such as smoking,…Read the rest ›