

Whether you’re looking to start fresh after years of doing damage to your body with negative habits such as smoking, over eating and over consuming alcohol, or you simply need a new perspective on your life, work, and relationships, a session in float pod can help bring about that change.

Pattern breaking is not something we often have time for in our everyday lives. The mental space required for working through the causes of your negative behaviour is not easy to find, which is why floating in an environment completely devoid of external stimuli is so beneficial. Not only does the water in the float pod help your body relax by removing nearly all the effects of gravity on your muscles, joints and bones, it also allows your brain to enter a more lucid and meditative state.

Allow your mind and body to become naturally calm so you can focus on treating your anxieties, issues causing depression, and the patterns causing you to repeat negative behaviour. It’s just you and the pod.