The Clear Float Experience
about clear float spa and our float pods

what is the clear float experience?
The Science of Floating Video
In this video, Bryce takes you through the science of floating and why it is so valuable in our increasingly hectic lives.

An environment designed to promote relaxation
clear float spa offers guided floating meditations, calming floating music and different lighting options for those just getting into the practice or complete silence and darkness if that is what your prefer. If you don’t meditate and just want to relax for an hour without your phone, email or distractions we welcome that as well.
Our float pods can be fully customized however you want and we are excited to see how people choose to customize their experience!
First time floating? Watch our instructional video on what to expect!
What it's like to float with us
The pre-float experience (video)
The post-float experience (video)
kate's testimonial (video)
sean's testimonial (video)
Pre-Float Tips and Best Practices
Shaving before your float
Avoid shaving your face, legs or any body part at least six-twelve hours before you float. Any lesions will be distracting due to the Epsom salt sting.
Eating before your float
A full stomach is not great for floating, nor is an empty stomach. Having a light, easily digestible meal 90 minutes to two hours pre-float is ideal.
Hydration before your float
Being dehydrated before the float may not be the best state, particularly for your brain. A healthy daily hydration practice is just good for optimal biology!
Washroom before your float
Be sure to use the washroom prior to showering before you float. This would absolutely be a distraction while in the float pod.
Smoking before your float
Smoking just prior to the tank may stimulate you too much. Even if you are craving a cigarette the lack of outside stimulation may very well suppress your craving. However, you’ll need to decide what the best formula is for you and your biochemistry.
Caffeine before your float
Definitely avoid having caffeine before you float. The stimulation you experience from caffeine is the exact opposite way you’ll want to go when you are floating. By the end of your float you most likely will not feel like you need your fix.
Complimentary Pre Float Activities
We have found performing physical activity (yoga, cardio, crossfit, weightlifting or resistance training) before you float greatly enhances the floating experience. Your body has expended pent-up energy, muscles and tissues are loose and flowing with blood, your mind is clear and calm. Adding floating to this state can potentially create a deeper state of meditation. Be sure to have a little snack (not junk food) post-activity and pre-float. Nuts, fruit, juice, or smoothies are good options… just not too much.
Tips and suggestions for your float
Pick your music before you float
You can now preview and choose the perfect music for your float right on our website. No sound is also an option, it all depends on how you are feeling and what you’d like – we recommend experimentation.
Breathing while you float
Your breath can be an amazing tool for calming the mind and relaxing the body. Try to breathe in from your nose and out through your mouth. At first, you can consciously take deep breaths, but once you settle into your experience try less to manipulate the breath and instead just observe it. Your body will always remember to breath, there is no need to control your breath unless focusing on a specific meditation.
Positions while you float
The most important thing is to find what works best for you. There are many positions to use in the pod and here are a few that are commonly used:
- Arms at your side, palms up or down
- Arms over-head with your palms up.
Play around with the two to see which feels most comfortable to you but remember that everybody is different so experimenting with different techniques is encouraged. Also, try to position your body in the middle of pod to avoid “ping-ponging” from side to side. If you do hit the side do not push off just let it be and you will naturally and slowly bounce back to the middle of the pod.
Once you like your position and feel comfortable try to remain still and consciously relax all of your muscles.
Letting go while you float
Don’t “try” to do anything while floating, don’t force something to happen, don’t expect something to happen; this is the exact opposite of relaxing. Do not try to push against anything but rather just allow your experience to happen. You will not fall asleep necessarily, just be present. Repetition of a focus word such as “peace,” “relax,” or “let go” spoken in your mind in unison with your exhalation can help at first, but the message here is to just let go of conscious control.
Stillness while you float
Being physically still by finding a comfortable position and remaining there combined with stilling your mind either through breath awareness or a focus word (mantra) can lead you into a state of holistic stillness. This can generate the perception of timelessness, your state of being will be extremely relaxed and this is when the body is in a state of healing and peace.
Floating amenities
Each float includes everything that you may require pre and post float.

During each float, we provide
- Private rooms with luxury showers
- Fresh towel and wash cloth
- Ear plugs
- Shampoo, conditioner and body wash
- Customizable float pods (music, silence or guided meditation)
- Customizable lighting within the float pod.
- Hair dryers
- Post-float lotion
- Hair spray and gels

After your float, enjoy the post float zen room
Critical to your experience is ‘easing’ back into your normal mindset. The post float lounge includes:
- Filtered water
- Complimentary tea
- Relaxed, comfortable and inviting environment
- An opportunity to connect with other members
- Books on wellness, floating, meditation and more.
- Community art walls to share your floating experiences with others

Floating and its link to meditation
There is a lot to learn about meditation, it is a never-ending journey and it’s great to have people to give you advice, tips or just encouragement to continue seeing where your mind can go when it calms completely.
We offer memberships to encourage consistent practice so that we don’t get distracted by things that aren’t of true importance to us and lose focus on our commitment to ourselves (which is a central benefit to floating).
Explore clear float spa (virtual tour)
Click here or use the button below to view our 360° Virtual Tour on Google.