Calgary’s most popular place to experience stillness
welcome to a new level of relaxation
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Just Breathe...
At clear float spa experience a profound relaxation of the body and mind and allow yourself to refocus on what’s most important—family, career, creativity, fitness, or whatever is vital to your wellbeing.
Floating in high-density saltwater and cut off from the sights and sounds of the outside world, your body is allowed an escape from all external pressures as you rejuvenate and heal in the float pod. Blood flow improves immensely. Essential minerals nourish your system. Your mind becomes clear and new perspectives unfold as endorphins flood through you.
The experience is entirely personalized and customizable, with in-float guided meditations or music and lighting of your choosing you can truly let go of all stress or anxiety.
All you needed was less.
get floating
Register now or book a float
All you need is your phone number and email address to register.
Experiences from the float pod
Every float is different. Hear what some avid floaters feel during their sessions.
new to floating? start here.
Floating is simple: Float, relax, rejuvenate. There is strong science behind it.
Haven't tried floating? Watch this...
Learn about the science of floating and what it’s like to float at clear float spa.
Music can enhance your experience
clear float spa is famous for the incredible music selection we offer to our guests.
you can choose from a variety of music, or guided meditations, or choose to float in silence.