clear float spa ambassadors

these leaders live and breathe our brand values everyday

Justin Tan

If not in either of his chiropractic clinics or sharing Rollax mojo to the beautiful communities Calgary has to offer, Justin Tan can be found adventuring in the mountains, reading and writing in cafes exploring knowledge, climbing trees hanging out in the canopies or free tumbling, perfecting hand balances in the parks.

Having spent five years living internationally, Justin studied health sciences in Melbourne Australia and completed a Doctorate in Chiropractic Medicine in San Jose, California. While building a strong academic foundation, his number one experiential lesson in it all was to K.I.S.S life – “Keep It Simple Stupid”.

Justin strongly believes that life is all about connection. Ever grateful to be a Clear Float Spa ambassador as floating helps Justin keep connected and grounded from within. This ultimately allows him to be fully present to optimally be a resource for the amazing communities he gets to serve in Calgary.

Justin is all about being a resource for optimizing choices and empowering action. He is always happy to share a post float conversation in the zen room as he too is committed to enjoying a consistent float practice – so don’t be shy and say Hi!

watch his testimonial video here:

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