clear float spa ambassadors

these leaders live and breathe our brand values everyday

Stacey Irvine

Stacey Irvine – clear float spa brand ambassador, lulu lemon brand ambassador,

My yoga journey began over ten years ago when I continued to experience many injuries as a triathlete. I was encouraged to practice yoga to rehabilitate, but to my surprise I quickly felt like I had arrived home.  Without hesitation, yoga became the essence of my daily life, and planted a seed that would inspire me to really get to know myself and dig deep to understand what I wanted my footprint in this lifetime to be.

I am a mama to three little ladies, a Registered Nurse at the The Alberta Children’s Hospital and teach yoga for various yoga studios throughout the city, while running a Yoga Therapy practice out of my home. I am committed to advocating for a more Integrative Healthcare system and maintain a deep passion to bridge the gap between the Western and Alternative Healthcare systems. I believe in Movement + Meditation + Mindfulness and Holistic Wellness to heal our bodies from the inside out, and nothing excites me more then bringing community together as a collective to step into our individual strengths and be reminded of the power and magic that exists when we come together.

My core values include family, health, movement, devotion, community and simplicity so it was a very organic decision to learn more about floating when clear float spa opened their doors! Floating has gifted me the opportunity to tune out and tune in. It grants me the ability to truly disconnect so I can practice the art of meditation and self-care.  I can attune to the frequency of myself and listen closely to what is true for me, so that my contribution to my family, clients and community comes from a place of authenticity and abundance. Floating is a practice of simplicity. It facilitates the meditative rest the body craves while simultaneously helping to identity the essential in our life, and eliminate the rest.

It is with great pleasure that I join the team at clear float spa. See you in the zen room with salty hair and blissed out smiles!

In Health + Love,

Stacey Irvine

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